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Teachable for agencies

Teachable for agencies: Best Practices for Creating, Managing, and Selling Courses


If you’re exploring options for a comprehensive online course platform, Teachable for agencies offers a powerful solution tailored to meet the needs of agencies managing multiple clients and projects. Whether you’re creating engaging courses, handling client management, or integrating with essential tools, Teachable provides a versatile platform designed to streamline these processes. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key features of Teachable that make it an attractive choice for agencies, including its ease of use, customization options, client management features, and more. By evaluating these aspects, we’ll help you determine if Teachable is the right fit for your agency’s online education needs.

Pricing: Teachable for Agencies

When evaluating Teachable for agencies, pricing is a key consideration. Teachable offers three main pricing plans: Basic, Pro, and Business, each designed to cater to different user needs, including agencies that manage multiple clients and courses.

Basic Plan ($39/month)

The Basic plan provides essential features for agencies just starting out. It allows agencies to create unlimited courses, but there’s a 5% transaction fee on each sale. This plan includes basic email marketing tools, integrated payment processing, and two admin-level users. However, it lacks advanced reporting and customization options, which might be limiting for agencies with larger operations or a need for in-depth data.

Pro Plan ($119/month)

For agencies looking to scale, the Pro plan is a better fit. It eliminates transaction fees, which is crucial for agencies managing high-volume sales. It also includes advanced features like graded quizzes, integrated affiliate marketing, and access to up to 5 admin users. The Pro plan provides a stronger value for agencies, offering more flexibility in course creation and management, and significantly enhancing client experiences with customizable branding and white-labeling options.

Business Plan ($299/month)

The Business plan is ideal for large agencies managing multiple clients or departments. It allows for 20 admin users and includes priority support, advanced analytics, and bulk student enrollments. The ability to automate processes and track data at a granular level makes this plan perfect for agencies looking to streamline operations and deliver comprehensive reports to clients. While the higher cost may seem steep, the features justify the price for agencies managing several large-scale projects.

Winner: Pro Plan

For most agencies, the Pro plan strikes the right balance between affordability and advanced features. It eliminates transaction fees and offers essential tools for scaling and managing clients, making it the best option for agencies using Teachable for agencies.

Ease of Use: Teachable for Agencies

When it comes to Teachable for agencies, ease of use is a critical factor. Agencies need a platform that’s simple to navigate, both for creating courses and managing multiple clients. Teachable excels in offering an intuitive interface that’s easy for teams and administrators to use, even if they don’t have technical expertise.

Course Creation Process

Teachable makes setting up courses fast and straightforward. Its drag-and-drop builder allows agencies to create lessons using videos, quizzes, PDFs, and more without requiring coding knowledge. This simplicity is perfect for agencies that need to quickly produce high-quality courses for multiple clients.

Client and Team Management

Teachable’s dashboard is designed for efficiency. Agencies can easily manage student enrollments, track client progress, and assign different roles to team members (e.g., instructors, administrators). These features help agencies oversee multiple projects simultaneously without overwhelming their staff.

Learning Curve

One of the standout features of Teachable for agencies is its minimal learning curve. Even if your team is new to online course platforms, Teachable’s clean layout and clear instructions make onboarding fast. This ease of use allows agencies to focus on delivering quality content to clients rather than getting bogged down by technical challenges.

Winner: Teachable

In terms of ease of use, Teachable for agencies comes out on top. Its user-friendly interface, intuitive course creation tools, and efficient client management system make it an excellent choice for agencies looking to streamline their operations.

Customization Options: Teachable for Agencies

Customization is a key factor when choosing a platform for agencies that manage multiple clients and need distinct branding for each project. Teachable for agencies offers a range of customization options, though it may not be as extensive as some other platforms, it still provides solid tools to personalize the learning experience.

Branding and White-Labeling

Teachable allows agencies to add their own branding elements, including custom logos, colors, and domain names. This is particularly important for agencies that want to maintain a consistent brand presence for each client. However, full white-labeling (removing all Teachable branding) is not available on lower-tier plans. Agencies looking for full white-labeling would need to opt for higher plans or explore external workarounds.

Course Design Flexibility

While Teachable offers some layout and design options for course pages, the customization is fairly limited to pre-set themes. Agencies can tweak certain elements, like fonts, layouts, and media integration, but those looking for complete design freedom may find the options somewhat restrictive. However, the simplicity can be a benefit for agencies that prefer a no-fuss approach to course design.

Customization Through Code

For agencies with technical expertise, Teachable allows further customization using CSS and HTML. This feature is available on higher-tier plans and lets agencies create more unique and branded experiences for their clients, beyond what the default templates offer.

Winner: Teachable

In terms of customization options, Teachable for agencies provides the necessary tools to brand courses and maintain a professional look. While it doesn’t offer full design freedom, its balance of simplicity and flexibility makes it a strong choice for most agencies, particularly those who value ease of use over complex design features.

Client Management Features: Teachable for Agencies

For agencies managing multiple clients, the ability to organize and monitor client progress efficiently is essential. Teachable for agencies offers a range of client management features designed to streamline the process of handling multiple client projects while keeping everything in one place.

Multiple Client Management

Teachable allows agencies to easily create separate courses for different clients, ensuring that each client has a distinct learning environment. Agencies can assign different courses to different clients, and monitor their progress through a unified dashboard. This makes it easy to track individual client needs without creating confusion between projects.

Student Enrollment and Tracking

With Teachable for agencies, enrolling students (or clients' employees) into specific courses is straightforward. Agencies can manually enroll users or automate the process through bulk enrollments for larger clients. The platform also provides detailed tracking on course completion, student progress, and engagement metrics, making it easy to share reports with clients and demonstrate the effectiveness of the training.

Role Assignments and Permissions

Teachable supports multiple user roles, which is a valuable feature for agencies. Agencies can designate specific roles for instructors, administrators, and clients, controlling who has access to course creation, student data, and other critical information. This flexibility ensures that agency teams can collaborate effectively while also giving clients limited access where needed.

Client Communication

While Teachable doesn’t have a built-in communication tool specifically for agencies to interact with clients directly, it does support integrations with email marketing tools. Agencies can set up automated emails to keep clients informed about student progress or any updates to the courses, ensuring seamless communication.

Winner: Teachable

For client management, Teachable for agencies provides a solid set of features that simplifies the process of managing multiple client projects. Its easy-to-use client tracking, role assignments, and course management tools give agencies everything they need to keep operations running smoothly.

Sales and Marketing Tools: Teachable for Agencies

Agencies looking to monetize their expertise and grow their client base need strong sales and marketing tools. Teachable for agencies provides several built-in features to help agencies promote their courses, manage sales, and drive revenue growth.

In-Built Sales Tools

Teachable comes with integrated payment gateways that support multiple currencies and payment options, making it easy for agencies to sell courses globally. Agencies can offer one-time payments, subscriptions, or payment plans, providing flexibility to clients with different budgets. The platform also allows agencies to create upsells, bundling courses or offering discounts to boost revenue.

Affiliate Marketing

One of the standout features of Teachable for agencies is its built-in affiliate marketing tool. Agencies can easily set up an affiliate program to incentivize clients or partners to promote their courses. This allows agencies to expand their reach and generate additional sales through referrals, without needing external affiliate platforms.

Email Marketing Integration

Teachable offers native email marketing features that enable agencies to send announcements, course updates, and promotional offers directly from the platform. For more advanced email marketing, Teachable integrates seamlessly with tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign, allowing agencies to create targeted campaigns and automated email funnels.

Coupon Creation

Agencies can create discount codes and promotions through Teachable’s coupon feature, making it easier to attract new clients or encourage existing ones to purchase additional courses. This tool is simple to set up and can be customized for specific campaigns or limited-time offers.

Sales Tracking and Reporting

Teachable provides detailed reports on course sales, revenue, and student engagement, enabling agencies to track the success of their marketing efforts. These insights can be shared with clients or used to adjust strategies for better results, helping agencies refine their marketing approach over time.

Winner: Teachable

In the area of sales and marketing, Teachable for agencies offers a robust set of tools that makes selling courses and scaling an agency business easier. With integrated payment options, affiliate marketing, and email marketing support, Teachable delivers everything an agency needs to manage both sales and marketing efforts effectively.

Team Collaboration Features: Teachable for Agencies

For agencies, smooth team collaboration is essential to manage multiple clients and projects efficiently. Teachable for agencies provides a set of features designed to support team collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on course creation, client management, and other tasks simultaneously.

Multiple Admin Roles

Teachable allows agencies to assign different roles to team members, including admin, author, and affiliate. This flexibility enables teams to divide responsibilities effectively. For instance, an agency’s content team can handle course creation, while administrators focus on client management and sales tracking. This separation of roles ensures that each team member has access to the tools they need without overwhelming the platform with unnecessary permissions.

Collaborative Course Creation

Teachable supports collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on course content at the same time. Agencies can have instructors or content creators add lessons, quizzes, and media while admins oversee the overall course structure. This helps speed up the production process, especially when working on complex projects with tight deadlines.

Communication Between Team Members

While Teachable does not include direct messaging or built-in chat for teams, agencies can easily integrate third-party communication tools like Slack or Asana to facilitate real-time collaboration. This way, team members can stay in sync, share updates, and collaborate on tasks related to course development and client management.

Team Member Access Levels

Teachable allows agencies to control access for team members based on their roles. This is particularly useful for agencies with large teams, as it prevents unauthorized changes to courses or client data. Only those with admin rights can make critical updates, while content creators and support staff are given more limited access.

Managing Multiple Clients Simultaneously

For agencies working with several clients, Teachable simplifies managing courses across different accounts. Team members can be assigned to specific projects or clients, ensuring that the right people are handling each client’s needs without any overlap or confusion.

Winner: Teachable

In terms of team collaboration, Teachable for agencies provides all the essential tools needed for smooth teamwork. With flexible admin roles, collaborative course creation, and controlled access for team members, Teachable allows agencies to efficiently manage multiple projects without losing productivity. While integration with external communication tools is necessary, the platform's overall structure supports strong collaboration.

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Course Creation and Content Delivery: Teachable for Agencies

When agencies are tasked with creating and delivering educational content for their clients, they need a platform that makes the process seamless and efficient. Teachable for agencies offers a variety of features that simplify course creation and ensure smooth content delivery, even for agencies managing multiple clients and courses at the same time.

Drag-and-Drop Course Builder

Teachable’s drag-and-drop course builder is designed for ease of use, making it simple for agencies to create courses without needing technical expertise. Agencies can organize content into modules and lessons, incorporating videos, quizzes, PDFs, and other media types with minimal effort. This is a valuable feature for agencies that need to produce professional, polished courses quickly.

Multimedia Support

Teachable supports a wide range of content types, including video, audio, text, and interactive quizzes. This flexibility allows agencies to create dynamic, engaging learning experiences for clients. Whether the content is instructional videos, downloadable resources, or assessments, agencies can deliver courses that cater to various learning styles, enhancing the value they provide to their clients.

Course Scheduling and Drip Content

Teachable allows agencies to schedule course content for delivery over time through its drip content feature. This means lessons can be released on a specific schedule, which is especially useful for agencies running long-term training programs or onboarding series. It keeps learners engaged by pacing content and ensures that clients’ employees or students stay on track with the curriculum.

Customization of Course Pages

Although Teachable’s customization is somewhat limited, it still allows agencies to tailor course pages with branding elements like logos, colors, and custom domains. This helps agencies maintain a professional appearance for each client, ensuring that the courses reflect the client’s brand identity.

Content Delivery and Accessibility

Teachable’s platform is cloud-based, ensuring that courses are accessible to students from anywhere at any time. This is crucial for agencies whose clients may have distributed teams or learners across different time zones. Additionally, Teachable’s responsive design ensures that courses are optimized for mobile devices, allowing learners to engage with the content on the go.

Winner: Teachable

In the area of course creation and content delivery, Teachable for agencies excels. Its drag-and-drop builder, multimedia support, and scheduling tools provide agencies with the flexibility and efficiency needed to create and deliver high-quality educational content. The ease of use combined with strong content delivery options makes it an ideal platform for agencies focused on scalable course creation.

Analytics and Reporting: Teachable for Agencies

For agencies managing client courses, having access to detailed analytics and reporting is crucial for evaluating course performance, tracking student progress, and making data-driven decisions. Teachable for agencies offers a suite of analytics and reporting tools designed to provide insights and help agencies optimize their educational offerings.

Course Performance Metrics

Teachable provides comprehensive data on course performance, including metrics like enrollment numbers, completion rates, and average grades. Agencies can easily access these reports to gauge the effectiveness of their courses and identify areas for improvement. This data is crucial for agencies that need to present performance insights to clients or adjust strategies based on student feedback.

Student Engagement Tracking

With Teachable for agencies, tracking student engagement is straightforward. The platform offers reports on how actively students are participating in courses, including their progress through lessons and quiz performance. Agencies can use this information to ensure that clients’ training programs are engaging and to identify students who may need additional support.

Revenue Reports

Teachable’s analytics include detailed revenue reports, showing total sales, revenue by course, and trends over time. This is particularly useful for agencies looking to track the financial performance of their courses. Agencies can monitor sales metrics and make informed decisions about pricing strategies and marketing efforts based on these insights.

Custom Reporting

For agencies with more specific needs, Teachable offers custom reporting options. Agencies can create tailored reports that focus on particular metrics or time periods, providing flexibility to analyze data in a way that aligns with their goals and client requirements.

Integration with Analytics Tools

Teachable integrates with external analytics tools like Google Analytics, allowing agencies to gain deeper insights into user behavior and traffic sources. This integration enhances the ability to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and understand how students are finding and interacting with courses.

Winner: Teachable

In the realm of analytics and reporting, Teachable for agencies stands out for its comprehensive and user-friendly tools. The platform’s ability to provide detailed course performance, student engagement, and revenue reports, along with custom reporting and integration options, makes it a strong choice for agencies needing robust data insights.

Third-Party Integrations: Teachable for Agencies

For agencies managing diverse client needs, seamless integration with third-party tools is essential for streamlining operations, enhancing functionality, and maximizing efficiency. Teachable for agencies offers a range of integration options that facilitate connectivity with other platforms and tools, although its capabilities can vary depending on the plan.

Marketing and Email Automation

Teachable integrates with popular email marketing and automation tools such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign. These integrations allow agencies to set up automated email campaigns, manage mailing lists, and track subscriber engagement directly within their email marketing platforms. This connectivity is crucial for running targeted campaigns and maintaining communication with students or clients.

Payment Gateways

Teachable supports integration with major payment processors like Stripe and PayPal, ensuring that agencies can handle transactions smoothly. These integrations facilitate global payments, offering flexibility in how clients and students can pay for courses. This is particularly beneficial for agencies with international clients or those looking for multiple payment options.

CRM and Sales Tools

Teachable offers integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools such as HubSpot and Salesforce. These integrations help agencies manage client relationships more effectively by synchronizing data between platforms. This allows for better tracking of client interactions, improved sales processes, and enhanced customer support.

Analytics and Reporting

For deeper data insights, Teachable integrates with Google Analytics, enabling agencies to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior. This integration helps agencies understand how visitors are interacting with their courses and marketing efforts, providing valuable information for optimizing strategies and improving client outcomes.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

While Teachable’s LMS features are robust, it also integrates with other LMS tools and platforms for agencies that require additional functionality. This allows for a more customized learning experience and the ability to combine Teachable’s strengths with other specialized systems.

Winner: Teachable

In terms of third-party integrations, Teachable for agencies offers a well-rounded set of options that support marketing, payment processing, CRM, and analytics. Its integrations with major tools and platforms ensure that agencies can streamline their operations and enhance their service offerings, making Teachable a strong choice for agencies looking for versatile and effective connectivity solutions.


In the competitive landscape of online course platforms, choosing the right tool for your agency’s needs is crucial. Teachable for agencies stands out as a robust option, offering a range of features designed to streamline course creation, client management, and overall operations.

From its user-friendly interface and flexible customization options to its powerful analytics and seamless third-party integrations, Teachable provides a comprehensive solution for agencies looking to deliver high-quality educational content and manage multiple client projects efficiently. Its strengths in ease of use, client management, and sales and marketing tools make it a compelling choice for agencies focused on scaling their course offerings and enhancing client satisfaction.

While there are other platforms with their own advantages, Teachable’s balance of functionality and simplicity ensures that agencies can maintain productivity and deliver exceptional results for their clients. For agencies seeking a reliable, feature-rich platform that supports effective course management and growth, Teachable for agencies emerges as a top contender.

Ultimately, Teachable’s combination of intuitive design, powerful tools, and integration capabilities positions it as a strong choice for agencies aiming to excel in the online course industry.

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