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ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact: Which One Wins Your Business


In the realm of email marketing platforms, the choice between ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact can significantly impact your marketing strategies and campaign outcomes. Both platforms offer a range of features and functionalities designed to enhance your email marketing efforts. In this comprehensive comparison, we'll delve into the key aspects of ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact, including pricing, email marketing features, CRM integration, marketing automation, segmentation and targeting, reporting and analytics, ease of use, and integration ecosystems. By examining these factors, you'll gain valuable insights into which platform aligns best with your business needs, goals, and preferences, ultimately empowering you to make an informed decision to elevate your email marketing success.

Pricing and Plans: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

When comparing email marketing platforms like ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact, understanding their pricing structures and available plans is crucial. Let's delve into the pricing details of these platforms to help you make an informed decision.

ActiveCampaign Pricing and Plans

ActiveCampaign offers a range of pricing plans tailored to different business needs:

  1. Lite Plan: Starting at $29 per month, the Lite plan includes basic email marketing features such as email campaigns, marketing automation, and CRM integration for up to 500 contacts.
  2. Plus Plan: Priced at $49 per month, the Plus plan expands on the Lite plan with additional features like lead scoring, SMS marketing, and custom branding.
  3. Professional Plan: At $149 per month, the Professional plan offers advanced automation features, predictive sending, split automations, and CRM with sales automation.
  4. Enterprise Plan: For larger businesses, the Enterprise plan provides custom pricing based on specific requirements, including features like custom reporting, dedicated account rep, and onboarding services.

Constant Contact Pricing and Plans

Constant Contact also offers various pricing tiers to suit different business sizes:

  1. Email Plan: Starting at $12 per month, the Email plan includes basic email marketing features like customizable templates, contact management, and reporting for up to 500 contacts.
  2. Email Plus Plan: Priced at $35 per month, the Email Plus plan expands on the Email plan with additional features such as automated email series, surveys, polls, and coupons.
  3. Websites + Marketing Plan: At $10 per month, this plan includes website building tools along with email marketing features, ideal for small businesses looking for an all-in-one solution.
  4. E-commerce Plan: For online stores, the E-commerce plan starts at $20 per month and includes features like online store integration, abandoned cart emails, and product recommendations.

Comparison of Pricing and Plans

Both ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact offer competitive pricing structures with tiered plans to cater to different business needs. However, the key differences lie in the features included in each plan and the scalability for growing businesses.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

In terms of pricing and plans, ActiveCampaign stands out for its comprehensive features even in lower-tier plans like Lite and Plus, making it a more versatile and cost-effective choice for businesses looking to leverage advanced automation and CRM integration without breaking the bank.

Email Marketing Features: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

When comparing email marketing platforms like ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact, exploring their email marketing features is crucial to determine which platform aligns best with your business needs. Let's delve into the key features of both platforms to help you make an informed decision.

ActiveCampaign Email Marketing Features

ActiveCampaign offers a robust set of email marketing features designed to engage subscribers and drive conversions:

  1. Automation: ActiveCampaign's automation capabilities are extensive, allowing you to create complex workflows based on user behavior, triggers, and actions. This includes drip campaigns, dynamic content, and personalized messaging.
  2. Segmentation: With ActiveCampaign, you can segment your email lists based on various criteria such as demographics, engagement level, and purchase history. This enables targeted and personalized campaigns for different audience segments.
  3. Personalization: The platform provides tools for personalized email content, including dynamic content blocks, conditional content, and merge tags, enhancing the relevance and impact of your emails.
  4. Split Testing: ActiveCampaign allows you to conduct A/B testing for different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content, and CTAs, helping you optimize campaign performance.
  5. CRM Integration: Integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems enables seamless data synchronization, lead scoring, and automated follow-ups based on CRM data.

Constant Contact Email Marketing Features

Constant Contact offers a range of email marketing features focused on simplicity and ease of use:

  1. Templates: The platform provides a library of customizable email templates suited for various purposes, from newsletters to promotional emails, making it easy to create visually appealing campaigns.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Editor: Constant Contact's drag-and-drop editor allows for easy email design and customization without the need for coding skills, ideal for beginners and small businesses.
  3. List Management: You can manage your email lists, contacts, and subscriber preferences within Constant Contact, including options for segmentation and list hygiene.
  4. Automation: While Constant Contact offers basic automation features such as autoresponders and welcome emails, its automation capabilities are not as advanced or customizable as ActiveCampaign.
  5. Reporting: The platform provides basic reporting and analytics, including open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth, to track the performance of your email campaigns.

Comparison of Email Marketing Features

Both ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact offer valuable email marketing features, but they cater to different user needs and preferences. ActiveCampaign excels in advanced automation, segmentation, and personalization, making it ideal for businesses looking for sophisticated marketing automation capabilities and CRM integration.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

In the email marketing features category, ActiveCampaign emerges as the winner due to its comprehensive automation tools, advanced segmentation options, and robust integration capabilities, empowering businesses to create highly targeted and effective email campaigns.

CRM Integration: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

Integrating your email marketing platform with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can significantly enhance your marketing efforts by centralizing customer data and enabling seamless communication. Let's compare how ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact handle CRM integration to help you choose the right platform for your business.

ActiveCampaign CRM Integration

ActiveCampaign offers robust CRM integration capabilities, allowing you to:

  1. Sync Customer Data: ActiveCampaign seamlessly syncs customer data between the email marketing platform and your CRM system, ensuring consistency and accuracy in customer information.
  2. Lead Scoring: The platform enables lead scoring based on customer interactions, email engagement, and behavior, helping you prioritize leads and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
  3. Automated Follow-ups: With CRM integration, ActiveCampaign automates follow-up actions based on CRM data, such as sending targeted emails, assigning tasks to sales teams, and nurturing leads through personalized workflows.
  4. Custom Fields and Tags: You can create custom fields and tags within ActiveCampaign to further segment and categorize contacts based on CRM data, allowing for highly targeted campaigns and messaging.

Constant Contact CRM Integration

Constant Contact also offers CRM integration features, albeit with a more simplified approach:

  1. Contact Management: Constant Contact allows you to manage contacts and customer data within the platform, including basic segmentation and list management functionalities.
  2. Sync Contacts: The platform can sync contacts with select CRM systems, enabling basic data transfer and contact updates between platforms.
  3. Limited Automation: While Constant Contact supports basic automation features, its CRM integration capabilities are not as extensive or customizable as ActiveCampaign.

Comparison of CRM Integration

In terms of CRM integration, ActiveCampaign stands out for its advanced capabilities and seamless data synchronization with a wide range of CRM systems. It offers deeper integration options, including lead scoring, automated workflows, and custom data fields, empowering businesses to leverage CRM data effectively for targeted marketing campaigns.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign takes the lead in the CRM integration category due to its comprehensive CRM integration features, advanced automation capabilities, and flexibility in syncing and utilizing CRM data for personalized marketing strategies.

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Marketing Automation: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

Marketing automation plays a crucial role in streamlining marketing processes, nurturing leads, and improving overall campaign effectiveness. Let's compare the marketing automation features of ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact to help you make an informed decision for your business.

ActiveCampaign Marketing Automation

ActiveCampaign is renowned for its robust marketing automation capabilities, offering:

  1. Visual Automation Builder: ActiveCampaign provides a visual automation builder that allows you to create complex workflows and automation sequences with ease. You can drag and drop elements to design automated campaigns based on triggers, actions, and conditions.
  2. Behavior-Based Triggers: The platform enables you to set up automation triggers based on user behavior, such as website visits, email opens, clicks, purchases, and form submissions. This allows for highly targeted and timely follow-up actions.
  3. Dynamic Content: ActiveCampaign supports dynamic content within automation workflows, allowing you to personalize emails and messages based on subscriber data, preferences, and interactions.
  4. Lead Nurturing: With lead scoring, tagging, and segmentation capabilities, ActiveCampaign facilitates effective lead nurturing by identifying and prioritizing leads based on engagement level and readiness to convert.

Constant Contact Marketing Automation

Constant Contact offers automation features tailored for small businesses and beginners, including:

  1. Autoresponders: The platform allows you to set up autoresponder emails triggered by specific actions, such as sign-ups or purchases, to deliver timely and relevant messages to subscribers.
  2. Welcome Series: Constant Contact supports welcome email series to onboard new subscribers and introduce them to your brand, products, and services.
  3. List Management Automation: You can automate list management tasks such as adding or removing contacts based on criteria like engagement level or subscription status.

Comparison of Marketing Automation

While Constant Contact provides basic automation functionalities suitable for simple email campaigns and workflows, ActiveCampaign offers a more advanced and comprehensive suite of automation tools. ActiveCampaign's visual automation builder, behavior-based triggers, dynamic content capabilities, and lead nurturing features make it a preferred choice for businesses looking to implement sophisticated and personalized automation strategies.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

In the marketing automation category, ActiveCampaign emerges as the clear winner due to its extensive automation capabilities, flexibility in designing complex workflows, and focus on personalized customer journeys, making it an ideal choice for businesses aiming to optimize their marketing automation efforts.

Segmentation and Targeting: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

Segmentation and targeting are critical aspects of successful email marketing campaigns, allowing businesses to deliver personalized and relevant content to specific audience segments. Let's compare how ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact handle segmentation and targeting to help you choose the right platform for your marketing needs.

ActiveCampaign Segmentation and Targeting

ActiveCampaign offers advanced segmentation and targeting capabilities, including:

  1. Custom Tags and Fields: ActiveCampaign allows you to create custom tags and fields to categorize and segment contacts based on demographics, behaviors, interests, and more.
  2. Behavior-Based Segmentation: The platform enables segmentation based on user behavior, such as email interactions, website visits, purchases, and engagement levels, allowing for highly targeted and relevant campaigns.
  3. Dynamic Content: ActiveCampaign supports dynamic content within emails, allowing you to personalize messages based on segmented criteria, delivering tailored content to different audience segments.
  4. Automated Segmentation: With automation rules, ActiveCampaign can automatically segment contacts based on predefined criteria, ensuring that subscribers are added to the appropriate segments based on their actions and attributes.

Constant Contact Segmentation and Targeting

Constant Contact provides basic segmentation and targeting features suitable for small businesses and beginners, including:

  1. List Segmentation: Constant Contact allows you to segment your email lists based on basic criteria such as contact attributes, engagement level, and subscription status.
  2. Tagging and Categorization: You can tag contacts and categorize them into groups or lists within Constant Contact, facilitating basic segmentation for targeted campaigns.
  3. Personalization: The platform supports personalization through merge tags, allowing you to include subscriber names or other personalized elements in emails.

Comparison of Segmentation and Targeting

While Constant Contact offers basic segmentation and targeting functionalities suitable for simpler campaigns, ActiveCampaign provides more advanced and customizable segmentation options. ActiveCampaign's ability to create dynamic segments based on complex criteria, automate segmentation processes, and deliver personalized content makes it a preferred choice for businesses seeking sophisticated targeting capabilities.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

In the segmentation and targeting category, ActiveCampaign emerges as the winner due to its advanced segmentation features, behavior-based targeting options, and dynamic content capabilities, empowering businesses to create highly personalized and effective email campaigns tailored to specific audience segments.

Reporting and Analytics: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

Reporting and analytics are essential components of email marketing, providing insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and ROI. Let's compare the reporting and analytics features of ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact to help you make informed decisions for your marketing strategies.

ActiveCampaign Reporting and Analytics

ActiveCampaign offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities, including:

  1. Dashboard Overview: The platform provides a comprehensive dashboard overview with key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, subscriber growth, and campaign performance.
  2. Campaign Reports: ActiveCampaign generates detailed campaign reports, allowing you to track the performance of individual email campaigns, automation workflows, and segmented campaigns.
  3. Automation Reports: You can access reports specifically for automation workflows, including insights into workflow performance, engagement metrics, and conversion tracking.
  4. Goal Tracking: ActiveCampaign allows you to set and track goals within campaigns, such as lead generation, sales conversions, or website visits, providing actionable data for optimizing marketing strategies.

Constant Contact Reporting and Analytics

Constant Contact provides basic reporting and analytics features suitable for small businesses and beginners, including:

  1. Overview Dashboard: The platform offers a dashboard overview with basic metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and subscriber growth.
  2. Campaign Reports: Constant Contact generates campaign reports that include metrics like opens, clicks, forwards, unsubscribes, and social media engagement, providing insights into campaign performance.
  3. List Growth Reports: You can track list growth and subscriber trends over time, identifying areas for audience expansion and engagement improvement.

Comparison of Reporting and Analytics

While Constant Contact offers essential reporting features for basic campaign monitoring and audience engagement insights, ActiveCampaign provides more comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. ActiveCampaign's detailed campaign reports, automation performance tracking, goal tracking, and actionable insights make it a preferred choice for businesses seeking in-depth analytics to optimize their email marketing strategies.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

In the reporting and analytics category, ActiveCampaign emerges as the winner due to its advanced reporting features, detailed campaign analytics, automation performance tracking, and goal-oriented insights, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and achieve better results from their email marketing efforts.

Ease of Use: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

The ease of use of an email marketing platform can significantly impact your workflow, productivity, and overall experience. Let's compare the ease of use of ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact to help you determine which platform aligns best with your usability preferences.

ActiveCampaign Ease of Use

ActiveCampaign offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive features, including:

  1. Dashboard Navigation: The platform provides a clean and organized dashboard layout, making it easy to navigate between different sections such as campaigns, automations, contacts, and reports.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Editor: ActiveCampaign's drag-and-drop editor allows for easy email creation and customization without requiring coding skills. You can design visually appealing emails with customizable templates and content blocks.
  3. Workflow Builder: The visual automation builder in ActiveCampaign simplifies the process of creating complex automation workflows. You can drag and drop elements to design automated campaigns based on triggers, actions, and conditions.
  4. Knowledge Base and Support: ActiveCampaign offers a comprehensive knowledge base, tutorials, and support resources to help users learn the platform and troubleshoot issues effectively.

Constant Contact Ease of Use

Constant Contact is designed for simplicity and ease of use, offering:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: The platform features a user-friendly interface with straightforward navigation and menu options, making it easy for beginners and small businesses to get started with email marketing.
  2. Template Library: Constant Contact provides a library of customizable email templates, allowing users to create professional-looking emails quickly and easily.
  3. Drag-and-Drop Editor: Similar to ActiveCampaign, Constant Contact's drag-and-drop editor enables users to design and customize emails without technical expertise, simplifying the email creation process.
  4. Customer Support: Constant Contact offers customer support via phone, email, and live chat, as well as access to tutorials and resources for guidance.

Comparison of Ease of Use

Both ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact offer user-friendly interfaces and intuitive features, making them accessible to users with varying levels of experience. However, Constant Contact is particularly known for its simplicity and beginner-friendly approach, while ActiveCampaign provides more advanced capabilities and customization options.

Winner: Constant Contact

In the ease of use category, Constant Contact emerges as the winner due to its straightforward interface, easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor, and beginner-friendly features, making it an ideal choice for users looking for simplicity and ease of navigation in their email marketing platform.

Integration Ecosystem: ActiveCampaign vs Constant Contact

The integration ecosystem of an email marketing platform plays a vital role in expanding functionality, streamlining workflows, and enhancing overall productivity. Let's compare the integration ecosystems of ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact to help you determine which platform offers the integrations you need for your business.

ActiveCampaign Integration Ecosystem

ActiveCampaign boasts a robust integration ecosystem with a wide range of third-party integrations, including:

  1. CRM Integration: ActiveCampaign seamlessly integrates with popular CRM systems such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM, allowing for synchronized customer data, automated lead management, and enhanced sales workflows.
  2. E-commerce Integration: The platform integrates with leading e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, enabling e-commerce businesses to sync customer data, track purchase behavior, and automate targeted marketing campaigns.
  3. Marketing Automation: ActiveCampaign integrates with various marketing automation tools and platforms, enhancing workflow automation, data synchronization, and campaign optimization.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Integration with analytics platforms such as Google Analytics and Data Studio enables advanced reporting, data visualization, and actionable insights for campaign performance analysis.

Constant Contact Integration Ecosystem

Constant Contact offers a growing integration ecosystem with key integrations, including:

  1. E-commerce Integration: The platform integrates with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, allowing businesses to sync customer data, track purchases, and automate follow-up campaigns.
  2. CRM Integration: Constant Contact integrates with CRM systems such as Salesforce, allowing for contact synchronization, lead management, and personalized communication based on CRM data.
  3. Social Media Integration: The platform integrates with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, enabling social sharing, social advertising, and audience engagement.

Comparison of Integration Ecosystem

While Constant Contact offers essential integrations for e-commerce, CRM, and social media, ActiveCampaign provides a more extensive integration ecosystem with additional integrations across various categories such as marketing automation, analytics, and productivity tools. ActiveCampaign's integration options cater to a broader range of business needs and enable seamless data flow between platforms.

Winner: ActiveCampaign

In the integration ecosystem category, ActiveCampaign emerges as the winner due to its extensive integration options, particularly in CRM, e-commerce, marketing automation, and analytics. The platform's diverse integration ecosystem enhances workflow efficiency, data synchronization, and overall marketing capabilities, making it a preferred choice for businesses seeking comprehensive integration solutions.


In conclusion, both ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact offer valuable features and functionalities for email marketing, catering to different user needs and preferences.

ActiveCampaign stands out for its advanced automation capabilities, robust CRM integration, extensive segmentation options, and comprehensive reporting and analytics. It is a suitable choice for businesses looking for sophisticated marketing automation, personalized customer journeys, and data-driven decision-making.

On the other hand, Constant Contact excels in ease of use, simplicity, and beginner-friendly features. It is an ideal option for small businesses, beginners, and users seeking a straightforward email marketing platform with basic automation, list management, and reporting tools.

Ultimately, the choice between ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact depends on your specific requirements, budget, and level of expertise. Consider factors such as your marketing goals, automation needs, integration preferences, and ease of use when making your decision.

Overall, both platforms offer valuable tools and resources to help businesses create and execute successful email marketing campaigns. Whether you prioritize advanced automation and analytics or simplicity and ease of use, both ActiveCampaign and Constant Contact can empower you to achieve your email marketing objectives effectively.

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